Sporthorse Inspections
For information concerning Inspections and Inspection Awards please use the information below to contact Curly Sport Horse Directly.
Mailing Address, Phone & Email:
Curly Sporthorse International
17829 Hubbard Gulch
Juliaetta, Idaho 83535
Email: csi@curlysporthorse.org

Curly Sporthorse Inspections..
CSI is expanding its inspection process to include performance standards. These new expanded inspection rules will allow our members to meet the requirements for inspection designations though ridden methods. CSI feels this is a positive option for CSI horse owners. No other registry offers inspection designation based on performance. This change enables CSI horse owners to achieve the equivalent of inspection designation for performance horses who are clearly proving themselves, even if attending a CSI inspection is not possible. All standards are based on existing governing body rules, such as the USDF/ADS/USEA/USEF.
Here are the basics:
- Horse owner must be a CSI member.
- Riders/drivers can be non members.
- Horse must be CSI registered before the process starts.
- Horse must be vet inspected and vet paperwork is to be
included with the CSI inspection application. - Scores must be earned in the time span of a normal CSI
competition year which is Nov 1 – Oct 31st of the following year.
Performance inspection designation approvals are offered for Sport Horse Breeding competitions, Dressage, Combined Training, Driven Dressage and Combined Driving. There are no guidelines for Hunters at this time (2014).
Site inspections are still available but there is a new option for inspecting horses based on performance. Evaluations at a site inspection include in hand, at liberty and free jumping. Ridden requirements are listed on the CSI Performance Inspection page.
Any CSI member in good standing can host a CSI Sporthorse Site Inspection. If 5 or more horses are inspected, Inspection hosts receive a free Individual Membership for the year following the hosted inspection as a ‘Thank You’ for their hard work. For information about hosting an inspection, please email CSI.
Each inspected horse will receive an inspection certificate with their scores. A champion and reserve champion are named in both the young horse and adult divisions.
All inspected horses & their respective scores are entered into the CSI stud books.
CSI Performance Inspection page
Inspections, both site and performance will have awards given on an annual basis. Grand and Reserve Champions will be awarded.
Performance Inspection Annual Awards
Annual awards will be awarded for Grand Champion and Reserve Champion inspection designations. The required scores will be averaged and the placing will be determined by the average. There will be awards for each division, ie…dressage, combined training, driven dressage and combined driving. These will be awarded along with the other annual CSI awards, HOY, USDF All Breeds,RPM and Crazy Daze Summer Series Championships.

CSI Performance Inspection Requirements
CSI performance Inspection rules are as follows:
In hand competition must include 2 scores achieved in a Dressage Sport Horse Breeding show (not a local dressage show that offers “suitability for dressage”) qualifying scores can be achieved in open classes only.
2 scores of 67% – 79% = premium inspection designation
2 scores of 80% + = elite inspection designation
First Level scores – 4 scores from schooling or rated shows.Scores must be from 2 different judges, at 2 different competitions. At least 1 of the scores must be from the highest test of the level. Minimum score of 58% with overall average of 60% = premium inspection designation
Fourth Level scores (HOY rules apply) = elite inspection designation
Combined Training:
Novice Level scores = premium inspection designation: 2 different events @ 2 different venues. Recognized or schooling events (novice, beginner novice, novice horse, novice rider qualify).
Training Level scores = elite inspection designation: 3 different events @ 3 different venues. No cross country penalties, no stadium refusals. One event must be 1/2* recognized event. Minimum score requirement of 45.
Driven Dressage:
Training Level scores -4 scores from schooling or rated shows.Scores must be from 2 different judges, at 2 different competitions. At least 1 of the scores must be from the highest test of the level. = premium inspection designation
Preliminary Level scores (HOY rules apply, score requirement TBA) = elite inspection designation
Combined Driving:
Training Level scores (HOY rules apply) = premium inspection designation
Combined Driving Awards
Preliminary Level scores (HOY rules apply score requirement TBA) = elite inspection designation

Host Inspection Application
Please use this form if you would like to HOST a CSI Sport Horse Inspection.
In response to this request, you will receive a list of other Curly Sport Horse breeders in your area who may be interested in participating in your inspection. You will also be contacted with additional information on how to host an inspection. Filling out this form does not commit you to hosting an inspection, but it IS the first step! Thanks!

CSI’s Inspection Entry Forms
Please use this form to enter a horse into the CSI sport horse inspection program. VET report forms are here.
All inspection fees will be paid to the CSI office . Horses must be enrolled via CSI so that the correct paperwork is sent to the site host, or CSI office prior to starting the inspection process.. All horses must be CSI registered prior to entry. There is a minimum office fee of $10 per horse submitted for inspection.
CSI Performance Inspection Entry Form
CSI Inspection Entry Form

Inspection Evaluations
Inspection Scores are assigned by the judge in the following areas:
Adult Horses (3 & over):Breed Type & General Conformation |
Young StockType
The following ratings & designations are possible for adult horses:
Book | Total score |
Elite Stud/Mare Book | 8-10 |
Premium Stud/Mare Book | 7-7.9 |
Stud/Mare Book | 6 – 6.9 |
No rating | Below 6 |
The following ratings & designations are possible for young horses:
Book | Total score |
First Premium | 7-10 |
Second Premium | 6-6.9 |
No rating | Below 6 |

Why Inspect Curlies?
Inspections serve as an educational tool:
Breeders can use inspections as a learning experience, helping them train their eye to sport horse conformation and movement.
Breeders can make more informed decisions on the future of their breeding operation, helping them improve the quality of their stock in each generation.
Buyers can look at an independent assessment of the horse’s potential for an individual sport before purchasing a new horse.
As the CSI studbook develops, breeders and buyers alike will be able to see trends in the ability of particular bloodlines based on inspection scores and performance results.
Knowledge is power and it takes knowledge to make decisions. Inspections help to take the mystery out of the selection of your next sport horse.